Gust Backstrom Park
Local park with camping, fishing and picnicking options.
Dog Lake
Lake is easily accessible with campsites nearby.
Swofford Pond
A quiet, next to nature pond, perfect for small electric engine boating
Ohanapecosh Campground
Camp inside Mt. Rainier National Park
Hause Creek Campground
Great location for water activities on the river
Leech Lake Campground
At the summit of White Pass. Pacific Crest Trail access
Lewis County PUD Day Use Park
On Lake Scanewa near the Cowlitz Falls Dam
Mayfield Lake
A water enthusiast's paradise
Mayfield Lake Park
Family friendly park for picnics, swimming, boating and more!
Riffe Lake
11,830-acre Riffe Lake winds for over 20 miles through forested hillsides.