Cowlitz Valley Wildlife Area
Public lands protected for fishing, hunting, conservation and viewing.
The Cowlitz Wildlife Area lies on 15,420 acres located in Lewis County in eight units owned by Tacoma Power and managed by WDFW as wildlife mitigation for the Mayfield and Mossyrock dams on the Cowlitz River.
1) Cowlitz Trout Hatchery Unit (280 acres) southwest of Salkum
2) Mossyrock Unit (640 acres) east of Mossyrock
3) Swofford Unit (520 acres) southeast of Mossyrock
4) Peterman Unit (6855 acres) south of Morton
5) Davis Lake Unit (243 acres) east of Morton
6) Kosmos Unit (520 acres) east end of Riffe Lake
7) Kiona Creek Unit (415 acres) west of Randle
8) Spears Unit ( 418 acres) south of Randle